Vanessa Cabrera

Vanessa Cabrera

Director of Human Resources

Current Job & Responsibilities:
Responsible for a department of four Human Resources professionals. Prior to Covid-19 I was responsible for everything HR for over 800 crew members and managers which included, recruiting, onboarding, engagement/retention, benefits, payroll, union relations, discipline and investigations just to name a few. Now I am part of rebuilding OTG to be a better and stronger than before.

What I Learned From the HRTM Program:
I believe the relationships I made and the knowledge I gained during my time in the HRTM program set me up for the success I have had as a professional in the hospitality industry.

What I Most Enjoy About My Career:
Mentoring young professionals in the beginning of their careers to grow and be successful in the hospitality industry.

Memorable Experience:
I am excited to have been a key part of the creation of Marriott’s Voyager Program.

Previously I worked for Marriott Hotels in Housekeeping, HR and Recruiting.